| History | |
TRichView News: 2001
Nov 25 2001 – J. Banzet has created a component for saving, loading and inserting documents in XML format in RichView.
Visit RichViewXML Page to download this component.
The component includes source code, documentation in XML format, and documentation viewer – a nice example how to create a browser of XML documents with a couple lines of code.
Nov 25 2001 – Parser for Addict 3 spellcheck and thesaurus is updated.
Download parser and demo (110K; dictionaries are not included).
Nov 19 2001 – New release: version 1.6
You can download trial version from the Downloads Page
The main improvements are listed below in the announce of November, 9th.
There are three new demo projects in the package:
- Using Microsoft® Office text converters to import and export documents;
- Editing right-to-left text (see picture to the right)
- Scanning text for URLs.
All demo projects exist in Delphi and C++Builder code.
Nov 9, upd Nov 12 2001 – New beta version: 1.5.25.
The main new features are:
- import of tables from RTF (see the picture to the right);
- import of hyperlinks and external images from RTF;
- support of RTL (right-to-left) languages (Arabic and Hebrew);
- more options for layout of tables including vertical align of cells and individually colored cell borders;
- customized character spacing;
- DB-components can work with RTF and text fields;
- ability to use Microsoft® Office text converters;
- text search and spell-checking (with Addict 3) includes all table cells.
The detailed list of changes can be found in readme.txt packaged with the trial versions of this beta.
1. This is a RTF file created in Microsoft® Word 2000: tabletest.zip
2. This is how it looks after importing in RichViewEdit:

3. This is a result of HTML export from RichViewEdit: tabletest.htm
The next major release (v1.6) is planned for November, 19!
We plan to change prices (for example, price of one user license will be changed from $99 to $139)
According to our upgrade policy, register users will receive all updates free.
Dowload trial versions of this beta:
See Readme.txt in zip-files above about new methods and properties.
Trial versions of beta for other versions of Delphi/C++Builder and updated parser for Addict 3 are available on request.
Help-file and demos for version 1.5.4 can be used for this beta
(read about compatibility issues in readme.txt)
A new component in the package: TRVOfficeConverter. It allows to use text import and export converters from Microsoft® Office with RichView!
Download the compiled demo (474K)
Jul 20 2001 – Trial version for Delphi 6 is available at the Download Page
Jun 28 2001 – Version 1.5.4. A brief list of changes (since 1.4):
- RTF (Rich Text Format) import from files, streams, Clipboard;
- hypertext without mouse: Tab-navigation through hypertext links and inserted controls, Enter executes hypertext action
(the screenshot below shows a dotted frame around a hypertext link);
- new item type: hot images – images-hypertext links;
- additional options for protection: this version allows to protect whole paragraphs;
- ability to store collections of text and paragraph styles in RVF (RichView Format) files;
- new options for text formatting: custom line spacing, no-wrap, all-capitals options, character scaling (screenshot below) etc.;
- better support for third party graphic classes, better HTML and RTF export, etc.;
- Delphi 6 compatibility.
This version is available for download from the Download Page. A help file and demo projects were updated to reflect all changes.
All demo projects are now also available in native C++Builder code.
Plug-in for displaying images with specified degree of transparency was updated. It now includes two item types:
normal images and hypertext images (see screenshot above). This plug-in is included in demo projects.
Jun 14 2001 – New version is available for registered users.
It includes:
- custom line spacing
- no-wrap option for paragraphs
- new options for text and paragraph protection
- ability to store collections of text and paragraph styles in RVF (RichView Format) files
- all-capitals option for text
Apr 24 2001 – The new beta version (1.4.07) features: RTF (Rich Text Format) import and pasting from the Clipboard!
The first version of RTF import supports extraction of:
- text with formatting
- paragraph properties (including background and borders)
- images (bitmaps, jpegs, both 16 and 32-bit metafiles)
- Unicode text
Not supported yet:
- Import of RTF tables (cells are imported as regular paragraphs)
(Note: implemented in version 1.6).
RichView has three modes for RTF import:
- plain text extraction
- mapping to the set of predefined text and paragraph styles
- import with all supported formatting and paragraph properties
Dowload trial versions of the beta:
See Readme.txt in zip-files above about new methods and properties.
Trial versions of beta for other versions of Delphi/C++Builder are available on request.
Demo project for the beta:
Note: By default, this demo uses mode when all RTF formatting is mapped to the most similar existing styles.
Places to see: menu "File|Load", "Insert|File", "Edit|Paste As|RTF".
Mar 2 2001 – New Parser for Addictive Software's popular spelling check and thesaurus component suite!
(see Additional Tools)
New version of Addictive's product (version 3, currently in beta stage) is faster, more flexible and has modern user interface.
Addict 2 and Addict 3 are separate products.
Addict 3 uses power of latest (4 and 5) versions of Borland's Delphi and C++Builder, and Addict 2 can be used with all versions of Delphi and C++Builder environments.
RichView Package supports them both.
Feb 3 2001 – Version 1.4!
The new version is released and ready for download.
Improvements since version 1.3:
- HTML-style tables
- (even) better HTML export
- new options for custom drawing of text
- mouse wheel support
- some tweaks and fixes
(see details in older news below)
All new tutorial projects were moved to the Download page.
Prices were changed. Upgrade is free for registered users.
Jan 26 2001, upd Feb 3 – 1.4 prerelease!

It mostly fixes bugs of beta versions.
There are some new possibilities in custom drawing, accompanied with the new demo:
Download Demo (2K, see picture to the right)
Trial versions:
for Delphi 4 (306 K),
for Delphi 5 (310 K), and
for C++Builder 5 (642 K)
Trial versions for other versions of Delphi/C++Builder are available on request.
At last, the help file is updated – Download Help File for 1.4 (382 K)
Updated editor demo (requires 1.4 prerelease): Download source code (50 K)
Updated editor demo (requires 1.4 prerelease): Download source code and EXE (482 K)
A release will be published after few days of testing.
Jan 6 2001, upd. Jan 26 2001 – New beta version 1.4 beta 3b.
The main improvements are:
- undo/redo of all table operations (from changing colors of cells to inserting rows and cell merging)!
- improvements in HTML export
- mousewheel support
Trial versions:
for Delphi 4 (305 K),
for Delphi 5 (309 K), and
for C++Builder 5 (639 K)
Trial versions for other versions of Delphi/C++Builder are available on request.
The help file is not updated yet, all changes are described in ReadMe.txt file packaged with these trial versions.
The help file for version 1.3 can be downloaded from Download Page.
The updated demo (requires 1.4 beta 3b): rveditbeta.zip (50K)
A couple of new demos at the Tips & Examples page.
Oct 29 2000, upd. Jan 6 2001 – Pre-announce: HTML-style tables in RichView! (exe-demo available)

Key features:
- each cell contains formatted document
- nested tables
- editable at run-time
- run-time resizing of rows and columns
- widths of columns and table itself are calculated basing on widths of individual cells,
in pixels or percents, similar to HTML
- merging and splitting of cells (both columns and rows)
- custom colors and borders, including 3d-style
Some secondary functions are not ready yet, so trial version is not available.
You can download the exe-demo (426K).
Exe-demo updated Nov, 11:
- RTF/HTML/text export of tables
- printing large tables on several pages
- drawing optimization for large tables
- bug-fixes
Source code of this demo (recompiling requires v1.4 beta 1, available for registered users):
download (48K; Nov 19).
Site News: 2001
Oct 3 2001 –
Doc-O-Matic 2, a source code documentation system by toolsfactory, Inc., uses RichView editor!
Doc-O-Matic 2 creates fully cross linked documentation systems and manuals in PDF, HTML, HTML Help, Windows Help and RTF.
Read more at the Applications with RichView Page
May 15 2001 –
And one more application now uses RichView editor!
We present e/pop by WiredRed Software in the
Applications with RichView section of this web site.
e/pop is a software for real-time office communications:
"Work more effectively with instant popup messages,
lightning fast remote control, chat conferencing, application sharing,
away-from-your-desk indicators, while-you-were-out messages,
instant reply response buttons and so much more!"
Apr 24 2001 – A new addition in Applications with RichView section of this site:
LabelWorks® by American Microsystems, Ltd!
LabelWorks lets you automatically create custom labels with exciting effects, merge them with your database, incorporate virtually any linear bar code and print professional labels time after time.
Labels can be built of images, bar codes, shapes and formatted text objects (needless to say that text objects are represented by RichView!).
Mar 1 2001 – A new mirror: RichEdit.com.
New tool/example: high quality printing of TChart inside RichView (Additional Tools).
Updated: parsers for Addict 2 and EDSSpell, added parser for new Addict 3 (Additional Tools).
Aug 11 2000, Upd Feb 17 2001: –
A new application in the Applications with RichView section of the site -
e-OfficeDirect by Image-Line Software.
This application allows to create and maintain highly proffesional looking e-commerce web site easily.
The site of e-OfficeDirect was generated by this software itself, from the first to the last page:
RichView is used in this application as a main WYSIWYG HTML editor (see screenshot to the left).
And the recent news:
A full power of RichView tables, introduced in version 1.4, was harnessed into E-Office Direct!
(see screenshot to the right)
Jean-Marie Cannie (Image-Line Software):
"I just wanna say this app wouldn't have been possible without your components"