| History | |
TRichView News: 1999
Dec 9 1999 - New version: 1.2!
New features:
- borders and colored background of paragraphs;
- spacing between paragraphs;
- new keys combination: Shift-Enter
(press to start new line inside the same paragraph);
- mandatory page breaks;
- ability to change hypertext background under mouse;
- and more - read "New in version 1.2" topic of Help file.
Upgrades will be free for registered users.
Oct 27 1999 -
Version 1.1.3 available for download
It supports Addict Spell Check and Thesaurus v2.34
Sep 29 1999 - Version 1.1 is available for downloading from web site.
Note for registered users: I have sent information about new release for users who explicitly agreed to
receive messages about new RichView versions, and to recently registered users. You can e-mail me if
you wish to join to recipients list.
Sep 21 1999 - Version 1.1 is ready and available for registered users.
Upgrade is free of charge. I need some time to upgrade help file and to compile
trial (nag-screen) versions for downloading from site.
But registered users can already send me e-mails with requests for upgrade.
New in Version 1.1: ( details )
- Delphi 5 compatibility (property categories, OnContextPopup event)!
- RichView and RVPrintPreview now can correctly work in paletted mode with multicolor pictures: they can display all pictures in common palette! (D3+ or CB3+ required)
- Hypertext in editor: activated when user presses and holds Ctrl key!
- Now user can select word with double click. You can also select word in position of caret (this feature allows you to use thesaurus, translators and basic spell-checkers)
- Right click outside selected area can now deselect (and move caret in editor). No more confusion if context menu is for clicked item, or for item in position of caret!
- RichView has additional properties: TopMargin and BottomMargin (in addition to LeftMargin and RightMargin). These properties affect both displaying and printing.
- You can show printable rectangle in RVPrintPreview (use MarginsPen property to set pen for drawing rectangle)
- Now you can hide vertical scrollbar in editor or chat-style application (VscrollVisible now works in TRichViewEdit and with RichView.FormatTail methods). For programmers who think that standard Windows scrollbars are too ugly for multimedia applications.
- Now you can define your own conversions of text styles what can be applied to selected text (not only changing to chosen style as it was available in v1.0). You can imitate Bold button action, for example (if you have two sets of styles in text styles collection, normal and bold).
- Now you can obtain caret position in editor in terms of (item index, offset in item)
- Optimization and fixes
July 27 1999 - RichView v1.0 is released.
Site News: 1999
Dec 25 1999 - New section of web site: Tips & Examples with some simple demos.
Here you can find two my simple components:
TFontSizeCombobox and TFontCharsetCombobox which can be useful when creating form for customizing RichView styles (update: an obsolete link is removed)
Nov 26 1999 - www.trichview.com opened.
Oct 27 1999 - Site navigation improved.
Aug 17 1999 - Information about BFG Chat
(Application with RichView section) is updated.
It's a freeware chat program demonstrating a lot of RichView features.
Several servers for this chat work 24 hours per day.
Screenshots and download links are now available.

July 25 1999: Starting site... July 30 1999: Done.