| Resources | |
Resources include additional components, parsers for popular shareware/freeware spellcheckers, additional item types, tools and examples.
RichViewActions v13.1 |

Set of actions for creating user interfaces for RichViewEdit. Includes predefined dialogs and several components. Supports Windows themes and VCL visual styles.
- License: Free addon for TRichView (license agreement)
- Requirements: Delphi 5 or newer; C++Builder 6 newer, Lazarus
- Source code and demo: included in the installation of TRichView
- Frameworks: VCL, LCL (Windows and Linux)
- Compiled demo projects (using TRichView editor, using ScaleRichView editor, using TRichViewEditor and Addict4 spell checker): included in TRichView demo projects.
Visit the RichViewActions Page for additional information.
TRichView XML v1.32 by J. Banzet and Sergey Tkachenko |

Component for saving, loading and inserting XML files in TRichView.
RvXml is supported by RichViewActions. In the compiled ActionTest demo, RvXml is used to open, save and insert documents in XML format.
Visit the RichViewXML Page for additional information.
Editors v4.1 for Developer Express VCL |

The package includes rich text editors, working both as standalone editors and as inplace editors in QuantumGrid. The editors support ExpressSkins™ and ExpressSpellChecker™.
Visit TRichView ExpressEditors Page for additional information.
ScaleRichView + ExpressSkins: TSRVDxSkinAdapter v1.0.8 by Marek Mittmann |

The package includes TSRVDxSkinAdapter component allowing to use ExpressSkins™ in ScaleRichView editor.
Visit ScaleRichView + ExpressSkins Page for additional information.
eDocEngine v3 by Gnostice |
Gnostice eDocEngine converts TRichView documents to PDF, XHTML, Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, SVG (XML based vector graphics), TIFF, PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF, RTF, HTML, and other formats.
eDocEngine supports TRichView, ScaleRichView, ppRichView (objects in ReportBuilder reports).
- License: Free, but it requires licensed TRichView and eDocEngine (license agreement)
- eDocEngine Homepage: eDocEngine VCL
- Compiled demo projects: included in TRichView demo projects
- Frameworks: VCL
- Additional info: registered TRichView users can apply 15% discount when ordering Gnostice eDocEngine
TSyntaxRichViewEdit 1.0 by Igor Afanasyev |
TRichViewEdit component with basic syntax highlighting abilities
- License: Free addon for TRichView (license agreement)
- Required TRichView version: v1.6.10+
- Frameworks: VCL
Download source code and demo (5 KB);
updated: February 2, 2002.
llPDFLib by Sybrex Systems |
LLPDFLib is a powerful shareware component for PDF generation. LLPDFLib can be used to export TRichView documents in PDF format.
- llPDFLib Homepage: github.com/sybrexsys/llPDFLib
- Required TRichView version: for v18+
- Required LLPDFLib version: for v3, 4
- Compiled demo project: included in TRichView demo projects
- Frameworks: VCL
- Additional info: registered TRichView users can apply 10% discount when ordering LLPDFLib
Spell Checkers
Note: these parsers require third-party components (shareware or freeware).
Parsers for several spell-checkers vn/a |

The parser supports the following spelling checkers:
Reporting Tools
Note: the files below allow TRichView working with third-party reporting tools.
TRichView documents can be added to reports like other objects.
Third-party reporting tools may be shareware or commercial.
TRichView wrapper for ReportBuilder |

The wrapper implements two objects: TppRichView and TppDBRichView.
Visit TRichView wrapper for ReportBuilder Page for additional information.
TRichView wrapper (RVQRControls) v3.0.2 for QuickReport, by Henk van Bokhorst |

Other Resources
Functions for editing and sending HTML emails with The Clever Internet Suite |

The units include functions for:
- sending email composed in TRichViewEdit control;
- displaying a dialog window for creating a new email and for viewing, replying to, forwarding emails.
Demo projects are available, including a full functional HTML email client.
The functions using a dialog window require RichViewActions. The functions that include HTML reading require TrvHtmlViewImporter.
RVLister v2.0 – plugin for Total Commander (former Windows Commander) |

This is a plugin for Total Commander 7.5+, a popular file manager.
It allows viewing RVF (files in format of TRichView editor), RTF, and DocX files.
This plugin can be installed in the both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Total Commander.
This plugin supports:
- file thumbnails;
- printing;
- text searching;
- text wrapping on/off (wrap window/wrap at the widest object or table);
- copy and select-all commands;
- positioning in percent.
Install and uninstall instructions.
Download plugin (with source code) (4.52 MB);
updated: January 24, 2021
Viewer plugin v1.1 for Directory Opus (DOpus) |

This is a plugin for the file manager Directory Opus 9.0+.
It allows viewing RVF files – files in format of TRichView editor.
This plugin supports:
- file thumbnails;
- printing;
- copy and select-all commands;
- full-screen mode.
Install and uninstall instructions.
Download plugin (with source code) (3.91 MB);
updated: May 4, 2015
BlendBitmap (TRVBlendBitmapItemInfo, TRVHotBlendBitmapItemInfo) |

Semi-transparent images in TRichView, with specific degrees of transparency.
TRVHotBlendBitmapItemInfo is also a hypertext link (degree of transparency can be changed when the mouse pointer is above the link).
ChartItem (TRVChartItemInfo) |

By default, TRichView prints inserted controls using a temporary bitmap provided by the programmer in OnPrintComponent event.
This technique cannot ensure a high quality image printing because this bitmap has a screen resolution, which is usually much lower than a resolution of the printer.
This plugin performs high quality printing of TChart components inserted in a RichView editor or viewer.
A good example of how to implement printing for custom types of controls.