| History | |
TRichView News: 2000
Aug 14 2000 – RichView 1.3! – The new version is released and ready for download.
A brief list of main improvements (since the last release – 1.2):
Changes since 1.2.7:
- multilevel undo/redo
- Unicode support
- RTF export
- protected text
- custom drawing
- faster reformatting and editing
- new methods to make implementation of standard editor operations (such as "make bold") easier
(and a new demo application to demonstrate them – screenshot)
- help file updated to include all changes since the last release
- improved HTML export (Unicode text is saved now)
- several miscellaneous methods
Aug 6 2000 – New beta version (1.2.7b) is available.
The main improvements are:
- protected text
- Rich Text Format (RTF) export and copying to Clipboard (not import/pasting yet)
Jul 28 2000 – New beta version (1.2.6b) is available for registered users.

The main improvements are:
- Unicode support
- custom drawing of text, checkpoints, page breaks and background of paragraphs
- Note: the parsers for spell checkers (Addict and EDSSpell) are not updated yet to handle Unicode text.
- Note: Unicode support can be turned off with the special compiler conditional define, to reduce size of executable, and slightly increase speed.
You can download the updated editor demo program with Unicode support (recompiling requires v1.2.6beta):
Updated Jul, 29. IME support added for WinNT/2000
And here is the demo for custom drawing (recompiling requires v1.2.6beta):
download (5K) (see screenshot in message for July, 16)
Jul 24 2000 – The parser for EDSSpell is available for download from this site in
Additional Components & Tools page.
Jul 16 2000, updated Jul 26 – A small demonstration of features of the future version:
custom-drawn text (there are special events for text drawing) –
And one more demonstration – a custom drawing of checkpoints, page breaks and background of paragraphs –
Jun 12 2000 – Version 1.2.5beta available for registered users
The main improvements:
- multilevel undo/redo support;
- increased speed (up to 5 times!) of reformatting (thanks to Louis Kessler), editing (especially with justify alignment) and inserting files;
You can download the updated editor demo program (recompiling requires v1.2.5beta):
Additional resources for this beta:
There are also some serious internal changes. One of the aims of changes was to simplify the development of new RichView item types.
There are still many things to complete this task, but you can see some result already.
You can download the example of creating the new item type: semi-transparent images (see the screenshot to the right):
Recompiling requires v1.2.5beta.
Note (Jul 28): obsolete links are removed.
May 9 2000 – Nine new demos in Tutorial projects.
These demos show how to read information about document contents, how to
use checkpoints, tags and hypertext features of RichView.
Mar 6 2000 – Is RichView compatible with Borland C++Builder 5?
The answer is: Yes!
Moreover, trial version of RichView 1.2 was chosen to be included in Companion CD for C++Builder 5.
Site News: 2000
Jul 24 2000 – Additional Components & Tools section of this site is redesigned.
Added: parsers for Addict and EDSSpell and BlendBitmap plugin.
May 9 2000 – 9 new demos in tutorial projects.
New application (Computer Textbook) in
Applications with RichView section.
Jan 4 2000 – Continuing tutorial projects:
two new demos of data-aware RichView controls
These demos should be the latest in sequence,
but I have created them first because TDBRichView and TDBRichViewEdit
were not covered with demos at all.