| Additional Resources: Actions | |
RichViewActions for Delphi, C++Builder, and Lazarus
Frameworks: VCL, LCL (Windows and Linux)
License: Free addon for TRichView (license agreement).
Required compiler versions: Delphi 5 or newer, C++Builder 6 or newer; or Lazarus
Source code and demo: included in the installation of TRichView and ScaleRichView
Compiled demo projects (using TRichView editor, using ScaleRichView editor): included in TRichView demo projects.
Online manual

RichViewActions is a set of actions for Delphi, C++Builder and Lazarus allowing you to create a user interface for a TRichView/ScaleRichView editor. Actions can be assigned to buttons, menu items, toolbars (you can use standard VCL/LCL classes or your favorite third-party components if they support actions).
Actions require no programming – just add a new action in the action manager, assign it to a component, and it will do all the work automatically.
RichViewActions support Windows themes and Delphi XE2+ visual styles, including dark themes and styles.
Dialog windows in RichViewActions support high DPI screen modes.

Font dialog (Windows)

Font dialog (Lazarus for Linux)
RichViewActions Overview
RichViewActions provide commands for the following operations:
- saving, loading, exporting and inserting files
- printing with preview and page setup
- standard editing operations (Clipboard, find and replace, etc.)
- font attributes (standard and advanced font dialogs)
- paragraph attributes (including background and borders)
- management of text and paragraph styles
- bullets and numbering (including a gallery of predefined list styles)
- operations on tables: inserting, properties, cell merging, sorting, and so on
- inserting pictures, hyperlinks, special symbols, equations, numbers, footnotes, endnotes, sidenotes, text boxes, and so on
- editing properties for pictures, tables and other objects
- managing bookmarks
- changing colors and background image
- spelling checking

Spelling check
RichViewActions include the following predefined dialogs:
- print preview
- page setup
- font attributes
- main paragraph attributes
- borders and background of paragraphs
- style management
- bullets and numbering (dialogs for choosing predefined and recently used lists, dialog for list customization)
- inserting or editing a hyperlink
- inserting special characters (supports all Unicode UTF-32 characters)
- inserting a table
- splitting table cells
- table sorting
- inserting or editing an equation (using Adit Math Engine)
- properties for images, horizontal lines, tables, numbers, text boxes, and other objects
- bookmark management
- inserting a numbered sequence
- inserting a caption for a table or an image
- background color and image, and more...

Paragraph dialog
RichViewActions include components:
- TRVAControlPanel - component that customizes actions
- TRVAPopupMenu - popup menu that automatically builds itself basing on RichViewActions from the linked TActionManager (standard, Toolbar 2000 and TBX versions);
it supports spelling checking
- set of visual components used in predefined dialogs:
- radio buttons in Microsoft Office style
- color pickers
- combo boxes for choosing font names, sizes and character sets
- combo box and list box for choosing styles
- spin editor (supporting Windows themes, unlike the standard Delphi spin editor)
- lightweight grid
- ruler

Paragraph border and background dialog
RichViewActions support the following third-party components:
For older versions of Delphi:
Toolbar Images
RichViewActions include an exclusive set of the high quality toolbar icons.
TRichView toolbar images: set 1
TRichView toolbar images: set 2
Supported languages:
- Armenian
- Byelorussian
- Bulgarian
- Catalan
- Chinese (Simplified and Big5)
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English (US)
- Farsi
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Lithuanian
- Malay
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazilian and European)
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Thai
- Turkish
- Ukrainian

Bullets and numbering dialog
In the ActionTest demo, you can change the language by clicking Language button at the bottom right corner of the main window.
(this demo is completely localizable except for several submenus not related to RichViewActions directly)
See RVALocalize.pas for instructions on adding new translations.
If you want to share your translation with other users, send it to us.
If you find a problem with an existing translation, contact the translator first (e-mails of translators are in the corresponding files RVAL_*.pas)
Insert-symbol dialog supports insertion of Unicode (UTF-32) characters
Equation editing dialog (using Adit Math Engine)
- Special thanks to Michael Beck and Matt Harward who created a base for this project.
- Starting from version 1.29, RichViewActions use TRVGrid and TRVColorGrid implemented by Dmitry Bobrik, BCSoft.
- Starting from version 1.31, RichViewActions use TRuler implemented by Pieter Zijlstra