<< Click to display table of contents >> New in version 1.5.4 |
1. Changed types in events. Important (please read before installing the update!):
Types of parameters were changed in some events: "TRichView" was changed to "TCustomRichView", "TRichViewEdit" to "TCustomRichViewEdit".
After installing, open all forms containing RichView or RichViewEdit, and modify declarations of event handlers: change "TRichView" to "TCustomRichView", "TRichViewEdit" to "TCustomRichViewEdit". You must do it manually!
(This is one-time change that is required only for projects created with older version of the components)
For example, for TRichView.OnRVMouseDown
procedure TForm1.RichView1RVMouseDown(
Sender: TRichView;
Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState;
ItemNo, X, Y: Integer);
must be changed to
procedure TForm1.RichView1RVMouseDown(
Sender: TCustomRichView;
Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState;
ItemNo, X, Y: Integer);
Sorry for inconvenience.
2. Changed component hierarchy
TRichViewEdit, TDBRichView, TDBRichViewEdit are not descendants of TRichView any more. All of them (and TRichView itself) are descendants of TCustomRichView.
TDBRichViewEdit is not a descendant of TRichViewEdit any more. Both them are descendants of TCustomRichViewEdit.
3. New parameter
New parameter of SaveCSS/SaveCSSToStream. Please use empty set ([]) for it.
▪and property TRichView.RTFReadProperties.
▪New rvfoSaveTextStyles and rvfoSaveParaStyles RVFOptions
▪Related: TRichView.DeleteUnusedStyles.
Hot pictures are the same as normal pictures, but they are also hypertext jumps.
New methods: AddHotPicture, AddHotPictureTag, InsertHotPicture.
Old methods (GetPictureInfo, SetPictureInfo, GetCurrentPictureInfo, SetCurrentPictureInfo, SetPictureInfoEd) now work with both pictures and hot pictures.
▪TFontInfo.StyleEx (new option – rvfsAllCaps);
TRichView.TabNavigation property;
TRichView.GetFocusedItem method.
RichView now can resize controls depending on document width.
Let ItemNo - index of control item (rvsComponent).
var Item: TRVControlItemInfo;
Item := RichView.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVControlItemInfo;
Item.PercentWidth := 50; // 50% of document width (minus paragraph indents)
Effect will be after reformatting.
Known problem: such controls may not work properly in paragraphs with word-wrapping turned off.
▪GetLastCheckpoint, GetPrevCheckpoint
▪two new possible values of Direction parameter of OnCaretGetOut
▪TRVStyle.ParaStyles.FindStyleWithAlignment and FindSuchStyle
▪"whole word" option for TRichView.SearchText and TRichViewEdit.SearchText (thanks to Louis Kessler)
▪support of third party graphic classes
▪RTF export
▪HTML export: SaveHTML now retains right and justify alignments.