New in version 19

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New in version 19

This topic includes changes introduced in version 19.1.

Compatibility issues

In TDBRichViewEdit, unused styles are deleted not only if AutoDeleteUnusedStyles = True, but also if FieldFormat = rvdbRTF or rvdbDocX.

TRichView.SavePicture parameters are changed.

TRichView.RTFReadProperties.ErrorCode is renamed to RTFErrorCode.

Backspace in tables deletes the selected rows/columns (or the table itself, if all cells are selected). To turn off this feature, assign False to RichViewTableAutoAddRow.

RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney

TRichView supports Delphi and C++Builder 10.4, including per-control VCL styling.

DocX (Microsoft Word Document) import

Since this version, the components can not only save but also load DocX files and streams. This feature requires Delphi 2009 or newer, or Lazarus.

New methods of TRichView: LoadDocX, LoadDocXFromStream.

New methods of TRichViewEdit: InsertDocXFromStreamEd, InsertDocXFromFileEd.

TRichView.LoadFromStream can detect and load DocX.

TDBRichViewEdit can store documents as DocX.


New methods for exporting TRichView documents to Markdown files or streams: SaveMarkdown, SaveMarkdownToStream.

New property MarkdownProperties contains sub-properties that specify Markdown saving options.

Other new features

New components:

rvdatasourcelink TRVDataSourceLink helps to use TRichView or ScaleRichView components as containers for data-aware controls.

New event of TRichView component:

OnWriteObjectProperties allows saving additional object properties in RTF, DocX, and HTML.

OnTextFound allows a special processing of found text (instead of / in addition to selecting)

New optional parameter in TRVReportHelper.DrawPageAt.

New property TRVReportHelper.TargetPixelsPerInch allows overriding the target canvas's pixel depth.

New optional parameter (SmoothScroll) in TRVScroller.ScrollTo.

New option for text protection: rvoFastDeleteProtectedText option for TRichViewEdit.EditorOptions.

High-quality image scaling is supported for transparent images too (for Delphi 2009+ and Lazarus)

TRVReportHelper uses high-quality image scaling, if AllowTransparentDrawing and Preview parameter are True

Backspace in tables deletes the selected rows/columns (or the table itself, if all cells are selected).


In TRichViewEdit.OnItemResize event, values of Val1 and Val2 parameters are changed.

TRichViewEdit.SetCheckpointInfoEd and InsertCheckpoint were changed from procedures to functions.