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Overrides the scaling factor for drawing.

VCL and LCL:

property TargetPixelsPerInch: Integer;

(introduced in version 19)

Assign a positive value to override a scaling factor ("pixels per inch" value) for the target canvas.

If TargetPixelsPerInch = 0, the component draws using PPI of the specified Canvas.

If TargetPixelsPerInch > 0, value of this property is used as PPI. As a side affect, the component assigns TargetPixelsPerInch to Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch for canvas parameters of Init, DrawPage, DrawPageAt methods.

All sizes are converted from RichView.Style.UnitsPixelsPerInch to the target canvas PPI.



property TargetPixelsPerInchX: Integer;

property TargetPixelsPerInchY: Integer;

The meaning is the same as for VCL version, but you can assign different values in horizontal (TargetPixelsPerInchX) and vertical (TargetPixelsPerInchY) directions. These properties are used only if they both have positive values.

In FireMonkey version, these properties are very important if you use TRVReportHelper to draw on a printer's Canvas. Assign Printer.ActivePrinter.ActiveDPI to these properties before calling Init.


Default value

0 (using the Canvas pixel depth)