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Starts spelling checking in the specified editor.

procedure Execute(Editor: TCustomRichViewEdit;

  Scope: TRVEnumScope = rvesFromCursor);

If a potential misspelled word is found, the checker displays a dialog window, where the user can:

correct this word, or

correct this word and add it to an auto-correct list, or

correct this word and add it to a dictionary, or

ignore this word, or

ignore all occurrences of this word in this spelling session.

The check is finished when either the end of the document is reached, or the user presses “Cancel” button in the dialog.

A type of dialog window is specified in SpellFormStyle property.


It's recommended to register this Editor with RegisterEditor method, because the spell-checker calls LiveSpellingValidateWord for registered editors when necessary (otherwise, you should process OnSpellFormAction event and call LiveSpellingValidateWord yourself when necessary).


RichViewAction note:

If you use RichViewActions, you do not need to call this method directly. Instead, link this TRVSpellChecker to TRVAControlPanel via TRVSpellInterface component, add TrvActionSpellingCheck to TActionList, link this action to a menu item or a toolbar button.

FireMonkey note:

This method requires Delphi XE7 and newer.

This method can be called in Windows, macOS, Linux (because mobile platforms do not support modal dialogs).


See also:
