TRVSpellChecker.RegisterEditor, UnregisterEditor [D6+]

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TRVSpellChecker.RegisterEditor, UnregisterEditor [D6+]

Registers/unregisters the specified editor in this spelling checker.

procedure RegisterEditor(Edit: TCustomRVControl);
procedure UnregisterEditor(Edit: TCustomRVControl);

These methods are implemented for the convenience, they are optional.

If you register an editor, the spell-checker:

assigns the editor's OnSpellingCheck event to process spelling check in a background thread;

calls the editor's ClearLiveSpellingResults when changing the active spelling checking language;

calls the editor's LiveSpellingValidateWord when the user chooses “Add” or “Ignore All” in the dialog.

Additionally, you can call StartLiveSpelling to start a background spelling checking in all registered editors.


Input parameter:

Edit – TRichView (TRichView, TRichViewEdit, TDBRichView, TDBRichViewEdit) or ScaleRichView (TSRichViewEdit, TDBSRichViewEdit) control.


UnregisterEditor is usually not necessary: the control is automatically unregistered on destruction.


Compatibility: these methods require Delphi 6 and newer.