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A string containing a data query.

property DataQuery: TRVUnicodeString;

An example of a DataQuery is a SQL query, like 'SELECT * FROM MyTable', or simply a table name, like 'MyTable'.

TRVReportGenerator creates a query processor for this data query. This query processor returns data for this query, and the report generator replicates the content of TRichView as many times as many records exist in the returned data. Then the report generator processes these replicated contents, replacing data fields in them accordingly.

By default, the whole content of TRichView is replicated. To replicate a fragment instead, use {$HEADER} and {$FOOTER} commands.

TRVReportGenerator starts processing this data query before any other data queries.

TRVReportGenerator processes this property only for the first object of TRVReportDocObject class in TRichView.DocObjects collection.

Default value:

'' (empty string)

See also

RVReportGetRootDataQuery function

RVReportSetRootDataQuery procedure

See also

Definitions of Report Workshop terms

Information about data queries



