TRVReportColorChangerItem.OpacityBegin, OpacityEnd, OpacityMiddle

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TRVReportColorChangerItem.OpacityBegin, OpacityEnd, OpacityMiddle

These properties specify the scales of opacity.

property OpacityBegin: TRVOpacity;
property OpacityMiddle: TRVOpacity;
property OpacityEnd: TRVOpacity;

Cells are shaded with gradations of two or three opacities that correspond to minimum, midpoint, and maximum thresholds.

Opacities are defined in 1/1000 of percent, they must be in the range 0..100000.

OpacityMiddle is used only if ColorMiddle <> rvclNone.

An opacity corresponding the given value is calculated similarly to colors.

Default value

100000 (100%)

See also

ColorBegin, ColorMiddle, ColorEnd
