TRVReportColorChangerItem.ColorBegin, ColorEnd, ColorMiddle

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TRVReportColorChangerItem.ColorBegin, ColorEnd, ColorMiddle

These properties specify colors.

property ColorBegin: TRVColor
property ColorMiddle: TRVColor
property ColorEnd: TRVColor;

Cells are shaded with gradations of two or three colors that correspond to minimum, midpoint, and maximum thresholds.

ColorBegin is used for values equal to MinValue (all lesser values are treated as MinValue)

ColorEnd is used for values equal to MaxValue (all greater values are treated as MaxValue).

For other values:

If ColorMiddle = rvclNone, the cell is shaded with gradations of ColorBegin and ColorEnd, proportionally to (value - MinValue) / (MaxValue - MinValue).

If ColorMiddle <> rvclNone, the cell is shaded with gradations of ColorBegin and ColorMiddle, if it comes to the lower interval defined by PercentMiddle; or with the gradation of ColorMiddle and ColorEnd if it comes to the upper interval.

Default values

ColorBegin: $7BBE63 for VCL and LCL; $FF63BE7B for FMX

ColorMiddle: $84EBFF for VCL and LCL; $FFFFEB84 for FMX

ColorEnd: $6B69F8 for VCL and LCL; $FFF8696B for FMX

See also

OpacityBegin, OpacityMiddle, OpacityEnd
