TrvrActionInsertTable.HeadingTextStyleTemplateName, HeadingParaStyleTemplateName

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TrvrActionInsertTable.HeadingTextStyleTemplateName, HeadingParaStyleTemplateName

Specify names of style templates for applying to cells of heading rows.

property HeadingTextStyleTemplateName: TRVStyleTemplateName;
property HeadingParaStyleTemplateName: TRVStyleTemplateName;

Heading rows can be added if DataProvider is defined and UseDataTables = True.

These properties are used only if the target editor's UseStyleTemplates property = True.

HeadingParaStyleTemplateName is applied to paragraphs.

HeadingTextStyleTemplateName is applied to text.

Default value:

HeadingTextStyleTemplateName: 'Strong'

HeadingParaStyleTemplateName: ''