Unnecessary css lines in the source of a HTML-file

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Pieter E.

Posted: 11/14/2004 15:11:00

Dear Sergey,

I've got a big problem...

When I look at the CSS code after working with RichViewEdit, there seems

to be unnecessary CSS lines when converting the text to HTML.

For example:

I add some text (in Arial, 10pt, #000000) to the RichViewEdit. Then I add

some more text (in Times New Roman, 10pt, #000000). I get the CSS source

with the following C++ code:

TMemoryStream *cssStream = new TMemoryStream();

TRVSaveCSSOptions cssSaveOptions = TRVSaveCSSOptions();

rvs->SaveCSSToStream(cssStream, cssSaveOptions);

The CSS code looks normal.

But when I select all the text and change it to Arial, 10pt, #000000, and

get the CSS source again, the line in the CSS with the Times New Roman, 10pt,

#000000 is still there. I think it should be removed, because it is not needed

anymore. The code contains more unnecessary CSS lines when working longer

with RichViewEdit.

It looks if the CSS source contains all the changes which are made in the


It is may a little bit confusing but do you have a solution?


Pieter E.

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