Re: Underlines and HTML Export

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Posted: 12/17/2002 17:36:50

Not quite :o(

I might have both bold and underline text in my richtext source.

As far as I can tell, the rve.SaveToHTMLStream call can't output <U> tags,

it puts <B> tags instead when it sees some underlined text.


"Yernar" <[email protected]> wrote:


>Something like this?


>procedure ReplaceAll(RVData: TCustomRVData; const OldText, NewText: string);


>  i, r, c: Integer;

>  table: TRVTableItemInfo;


>  for i := 0 to RVData.Items.Count - 1 do

>    if RVData.GetItemStyle(i) >= 0 then

>      RVData.Items[i] := ReplaceStr(RVData.Items[i],

>        OldText, NewText)

>    else if RVData.GetItemStyle(i) = rvsTable then

>    begin

>      table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(i));

>      for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count - 1 do

>        for c := 0 to table.Rows[r].Count - 1 do

>          if table.Cells[r, c] <> nil then

>            ReplaceAll(table.Cells[r, c].GetRVData, OldText, NewText);

>      table.Changed;

>    end;



>Call: ReplaceAll(MyRichView.RVData, '<B>some underlined text</B>', '<U>some

>underlined text</U>');


>P.S. ReplaceStr function is from RX Library.


>Hope it helps.



>"mjg" <[email protected]> wrote:


>>Hi there


>>I currently (successfully) pasting Richtext from Word into an rve and converting

>>it to HTML en-route so I get to see the HTML code for the richtext I'm




>>It seems however that underlined text is treated as bold. ie. it comes



>><B>some underlined text</B>

>>rather than

>><U>some underlined text</U>


>>I know it's not my code but perhaps I haven't set an rve property or Style



>>I get a similar problem with the XML support stuff too :o(


>>Any ideas?






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