Re: TRVOConverter.ImportRV  kill hyperlinks !

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Posted: 12/18/2004 21:27:51

I did all that.

I can manage hyperlinks when loading RTF, when importing .html

but when I import .doc, OnReadHyperlink event is not triggered !

is it because I use "word 97" converter index ?

"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:

>For office converters, the same rules work as for RTF import.

>You need to write code to store hyperlinks in tags.


>1) Include rvoTagsArePChars in rv.Options

>2) Process OnReadHyperlink event:


>procedure TfrmMain.rveReadHyperlink(Sender: TCustomRichView; const Target,

>  Extras: String; DocFormat: TRVLoadFormat; var StyleNo, ItemTag: Integer;

>  var ItemName: String);


>  ItemTag := Integer(StrNew(PChar(Target)));




>> When using TRVOConverter.ImportRV to import a MSword Doc, I hyperlinks


>> not correctly imported.


>> Do you have a workaround for this prob ?


>> Thanks.




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