Re: TRichView wish list

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Uwe Molzahn

Posted: 02/16/2002 23:32:02


As far as I remember, it was a repeating memory leak which occurred when

retrieving data from a blob field. Delphi didn't free the blob cache (D 4.02

it was, actually). Below is an old posting I found regarding this issue:



Both MemProof and Memory Sleuth point to a leak on the following code:

MS := TMemoryStream.Create;

-> TBlobField (DS.FieldByName ('BLOB_DATA')).SaveToStream (MS);



I have shortened the above code down to narrow the problem. MemProof

further tracks the leak to the following code in DBTables Line 8536 in

procedure TBlobStream.Read.

SetLength(FBlobData, FCacheSize);

MemProof says the following:

9072 Live Pointer $022DA2C8 169

$00088F75 TBlobStream.Read in DBTables.pas (8536)



I doubt that this problem still exists, but I can't check as I haven't

worked with D5 or D6 yet.

Hope that helps


> Do you know, if this is a one time memory leak or it is repeated?

> If it only happens one time, it is not important because Windows will free

> all this memory after closing application.

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