Re: TAB, an alternative idea (long)

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Lars Nielsen

Posted: 12/15/2003 10:20:56

Thank you, Stef.

I tried something like this on my own, but I gave up after some hours

because I haven't got enough experience with TRichView to implement it

properly (btw. that is, because Tabs are not supported and I can't use

TRichView without them for my company ...)

Unfortunately I don't have the time to implement and test your solution now,

because there will be some work to complete it, e.g. methods for *removing*

the "Tabs" (cells) on backspace must be implementet. I know that should not

be very hard, but it will need some time.

Maybe this is an idea which could be directly implmented in standard source

of TRichView ... ?

What do you think, Sergey ?


Lars Nielsen

"Stef Mientki" <[email protected]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

news:[email protected]...

> hi All,


> Because implementing of tabs will be not before second half of 2004,

> I've been looking for an alternative.


> Although I would love to have tabs,

> I might even not be able to use then :-(

> Most of the documents my richview handles are html pages,

> and as far as I know, html doesn't support tabs.

> So there's my second reason to look for an alternative.


> For readonly RichViews, or documents generated by the program, there's

> no problem, I can just use tables with invisible borders.

> Problems starts when I want to use a not-readonly richviewedit,

> in that case I want to jump to the next cell (which the tabcharacter

> already does) and at the end of the table I want to add new rows.

> (btw, I also don't need the way of dragging all the contents after the

> cursor to the next tab)

> Problem is how to detect the TAB-character (in my case I'm satisfied

> with the Enter-key as navigator).


> Although basically the alternative works (for me),

> it doesn't work always, so there are some bugs.

> Maybe there are other ideas, or maybe there are some experts on the list

> who can improve the code.


> The basic idea is to use a table with (almost) unvisible gridlines:

>    table := TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(3,3,RVE.RVData);

>    table.BestWidth :=-100;

>    table.Color := clNone;

>    table.BorderStyle := rvtbColor;

>    table.CellBorderStyle := rvtbColor;

>    table.BorderWidth := 0;

>    table.BorderVSpacing := 0;

>    table.BorderHSpacing := 0;

>    table.CellBorderWidth := 0;

>    table.CellPadding := 0;

>    table.CellVSpacing := 0;

>    table.CellHSpacing := 0;

>    table.VRuleWidth := 0;

>    table.HRuleWidth := 0;


> Wheter in editing mode or the readonly viewing mode,

> the gridlines are drawn or not

>    RichViewTableGridStyle:=psdot;

> or

>    RichViewTableGridStyle:=psclear;


> Now in the keydownmode fetch the tab key, navigate to the next cell and

> if at the end of the table, create an extra tablerow.

> (Because I want to use the numerical keypad, the ENTER key is used as

> the tabcharacter key, so onkeydown will not do for the tab-key, maybe

> use keypress ??)


> procedure TForm1.RVEKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;

>    Shift: TShiftState);







> var

>    col     :integer;

> item: TCustomRVItemInfo;

>    row     :integer;

>    RVE_top :TCustomRichViewEdit;

>    table   :TRVTableItemInfo;

>      RVEx: TCustomRichViewEdit;

>      ItemNo: Integer;

>      Data: Integer;

> begin

>    file://return is handled as tab-character

>    if (key=vk_return) and (shift=[]) then

>    begin

>      RVE_top :=RVE.TopLevelEditor;

>      if(RVE.GetItemStyle(RVE.CurItemNo)=rvsTable) and

>        (RVE_top.GetItemStyle(RVE_top.CurItemNo)<>rvsTable) then

>      begin

>        table:=TRVTableItemInfo(RVE.GetItem(RVE.CurItemNo));

>        table.GetEditedCell(row,col);

>        memo1.lines.add(inttostr(col)+'/'+inttostr(row));

>        if col>=table.Rows[0].Count-1 then

>        begin

>          if row>=table.Rows.Count-1 then

>          begin

>            file://why do I need RVEx here ??

>            if RVE.CanChange and

>               RVE.GetCurrentItemEx(TRVTableItemInfo,RVEx, item) then

>            begin

>              file://why do I need to fetch table and itemno again here ??

>              table := TRVTableItemInfo(item);

>              ItemNo :=RVEx.GetItemNo(table);

>              RVEx.BeginItemModify(ItemNo, Data);

>                table.InsertRowsBelow(1);

>              RVEx.EndItemModify(ItemNo, Data);

>              RVEx.Change;

>     file://is this allowed here, or should I use postmessage

>              table.EditCell(row+1,0);

>            end;

>          end

>          else table.EditCell(row+1,0);

>        end

>        else table.EditCell(row,col+1);

>        key:=0;

>      end;



> Stef Mientki


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