Re: Styles and local style modifications with actions

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Benedikt Weber

Posted: 06/20/2002 17:36:05

I found that changing the TextStyle by Actions produces a new TextStyle with

same name as the original name. I modified this and put * behind the name,

so I can distinguish them in the ComboBox.

void __fastcall TReportForm1::rv_editorCurTextStyleChanged(TObject *Sender)


    if (rv_editor->CurTextStyleNo >= text_combo->Items->Count) {

        int cur= rv_editor->CurTextStyleNo;

        RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[cur]->StyleName =

             RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[cur]->StyleName + "*";



    text_combo->ItemIndex= rv_editor->CurTextStyleNo;


Attention: I also noticed that new Styles are created even if not needed,

i.e. if nothing is selected and the user presses the increase font size


"Benedikt Weber" <[email protected]> wrote in message

news:[email protected]...

> I am somewhat confused about the concept of styles. In the editor demo


> are two comboboxes for TextStyle and ParaStyle which show the current


> and can change it. That part is clear.


> Now with actions, the user can modify the style of any text. What happens

> with the styles? Are new styles created? And how would they show up in the

> ComboBoxes? It would be nice to have a new demo with Actions and


> with styles.


> Benedikt



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