Re: Scrolling with tables

Return to index



Paul B

Posted: 12/22/2004 13:54:20

"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:

>> I have tried the following methods/properties but they don't seem to give

>> the correct result:

>> Height of viewable area: TRichViewEdit.Height ??


>More exactly, TRichViewEdit.ClientHeight (Height includes borders and

>horizontal scrollbar)


>> Height of table cell: TCustomRVFormattedData.GetHeight ??


>Yes, excluding CellPadding (both top and bottom).

>Document must be formatted, otherwise this value is undefined.


>Coordinates of the top left corner of cell (relative to the top left corner

>of scrollable area) are returned by


>You can use this y as a parameter of RichViewEdit.ScrollTo(y)



>> Thanks for any help,

>> Paul.




Excellent Sergey, that's exactly what I needed.

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