Re: Saving imported text to DB Field

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Posted: 02/15/2002 5:18:03

Hello from Buenos Aires:

Sorry for my bad english:

I think: you need call Change method of TDBRichViewEdit. Calling of this

method is required if you modify the contents of component with methods

like LoadRVFFromStream. 

I think is more efficient change the Tfield content directly. Look at

the Sergey's answer to my question title: "LoadFromStream".

I hope you understand me.



Bob Dalton wrote:

> I am attempting to import a text file into to a RTF bolob field

> using your DBRichViewEdit component.

> Here is the code I am using for the import:


>   begin

>     try

>       AssignFile(F, OpenDialog1.FileName);

>       Reset(F);

>       while not EOF(F) do

>       begin

>         Readln(F, S);

>         rve.AddNL(S, 0, 0);

>       end;

>       CloseFile(F);

>     finally

>       rve.Format;

>     end;

>   end;

> The problem is that although I can view the text in the

> DBRichViewEdit component with no problems when I hit the "Post"

> button on the navigator toolbar all the text disappears from view

> and nothing is saved to the database table field. Am I missing

> something here?


> Regards;


> Bob Dalton

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