Saving imported text to DB Field |
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Bob Dalton |
Posted: 02/15/2002 1:19:26 I am attempting to import a text file into to a RTF bolob field using your DB RichViewEdit component. Here is the code I am using for the import: procedure TScriptsInfoForm1.SpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject); var F: TextFile; S: string; begin OpenDialog1.InitialDir := IncludeTrailingBackSlash(ExtractFilePath(paramstr(0))) + 'scripts'; if OpenDialog1.Execute then { Display Open dialog box } begin try AssignFile(F, OpenDialog1.FileName); Reset(F); while not EOF(F) do begin Readln(F, S); rve.AddNL(S, 0, 0); end; CloseFile(F); finally rve.Format; end; end; end; This imports text successfully from a standard text file into the DB RichViewEdit component which I have prepared by using a table field "clear" statement prior to the import. The problem is that although I can view the text in the DBRichViewEdit component with no problems when I hit the "Post" button on the navigator toolbar all the text disappears from view and nothing is saved to the database table field. Am I missing something here? Regards; Bob Dalton |
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