RV print compatability

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Justin Tuberville

Posted: 03/08/2002 12:44:30


We are switching to RichView from RichEdit98, but are using ReportBuilder

(Piparti) for printing. We made the required RichEdit98 print support

classes for ReportBuilder and now need to do the same for RV. That trouble

is that because RV is not derived from the windows richedit, it does not

support the EM_FORMATRANGE message as in "Result :=

FRichView.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, liRender, Longint(@lFormatRange))" for

rendering a specified area (in TWIPS) on the specified device and returning

the next character position no (as the next character for the next area). We

thus need to implement something similar for RV and on the face of it, it

does not seem to be a major hurdle.

We would appreciate some advice on how to go about this, ie as a

TCustomPrintableRVData derivative?  Supporting EM_FORMATRANGE will certainly

go a long way to enhancing RV compatabilty. How about a wrapper/derivative

that implements and translates the basic richview properties and methods

where not completely irrelevant?

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