Re: rv.AddLineBreak ?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 04/09/2003 15:39:14


This simplest way to do it is by modifying RichView sources: open RVEdit.pas

and move KeyDown method to the public section of the class declaration.

Now you can write:

procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;

  Shift: TShiftState);


  if (Key = VK_RETURN) and not (ssShift in Shift) then begin

    TCustomRichViewEdit(Sender).KeyDown(Key, Shift+[ssShift]);

    Key := 0;



PS: mixing editing operations with operations introduced in viewer

(TCustomRichView) like AddNLTag is dangerous for undo/redo buffers.

Viewer methos should be used on initial stages, after calling Clear and

before editing.

> Hi there.


> I'm trying to add a LineBreak into a Paragraph when in editing.

> (RichViewEdit)


> I don't want the addition of another paragraph when the user hits the

> Enter-key, instead I want to simulate the Shift-Enter. But I still want


> user to be able to hit the Enter key to start typing on a new line, but in

> the same paragraph. ( I don't want to bother the user with the use of that

> shift key)

>  I have tried the following, in On keyDown;

>          case Key of

>                ...

>                ...

>               VK_RETURN:

>                    begin

>                    Key := 0;

>                    myitem := rv.CurItemNo; // used to restore cursor pos.

>                    rv.SetAddParagraphMode(False);

>                    rv.AddNLTag('',somestyleID,someparagraphID,myTag);

>                    rv.SetAddParagraphMode(True);

>                    rv.Format;

>                    ... some code

>                    end;

>               ....



> But I have problems restoring the cursor possition, etc..

> Can this be done? Can I send A win_message faking the Shift-Enter key?

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