Re: Problem when TRichViewEdit contains many content

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/17/2004 11:49:29

Well, I can only give some tips for document optimization.

1) Documents can be generated not optimally (for example, RvHTMLImporter

creates not optimal documents). Call NormalizeRichView procedure from

RVNormalize.pas (can be found in RichViewActions or downloaded from It solves many


2) Justify alignment is much slower than others

3) If you use Unicode text, newest version of TRichView (1.8.16), and do not

use soft hyphen characters, enable RVDONOTUSESOFTHYPHENS define in

4) You can assign MinTextWidth property to positive value, and document will

not be reformatted when width is changed within MinTextWidth range - horz.

scrollbar will appear instead.

> I am facing the problem when TRichViewEdit having too many content, when I

> am trying to maximize or minimize the window, it seems very slow.


> any clue?





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