Re: Problem SaveHTML-method

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Alan McDonald

Posted: 01/13/2005 14:32:01

I recommend trying these steps.

1. Ensure that the DBRichViewEdit control has it's own Style control (not


2. Turn Autodisplay to False

3. Use the LoadField method each time you traverse the table record


"Hierold Sascha" <> wrote in message



> Hi,


> I try to save a lot of files as HTML. I do it in following way:


> I take the DB-table and iterate it through a for-construct. For every time

> I call the SaveHtml-method to save the content of the TDBRichViewEdit to

> a file.


> No I get my HTML-Files, but the content looks like RVF-formated. What do

> I wrong?


> [CODE]:

> for (int i = 0; i < tdbTableContent->RecordCount; ++i)

>   {

>     while (!rveDB_Content->CanChange()) {

>       Application->ProcessMessages();

>     }





> getTopicTitle(tdbTableContent->FieldByName("Kategorie")->AsString),


> rvso);

>     tdbTableContent->Next();

>   }


> [HTML]

> This is just 1 wrong formated HTML File-Content:

> -8 1 3

> 16 2 3 0 0 0

> Hierold Sascha


> 14 1 2 0 0 0

> Export-Test

> 0 2 0 0 0 0


> If I use the method for a single content-view it works. If I do the same

> in a for-construct for all content, it doesn�t works.


> Bye Sascha

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