Re: Printing Images

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Stef Mientki

Posted: 12/12/2003 23:54:08

We had this problem with other Delphi programs,

(and mostly with (network) printers of HP),

if I remember well we did 2 things:

1. draw jpeg instead of bmp

2. set printer to RAW

Stef Mientki

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:

> Try to update a printer driver.




>>If I print a Document with RVPrint,

>>I often get Black Images on the page.

>>The problem disappeares, when I connect a



>>procedure TPrintForm.ToolButton10Click(Sender: TObject);


>>  Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;

>>  // Assigning document for printing:

>>  RVPrint.AssignSource(REPrint);

>>  // Formatting pages:

>>  RVPrint.FormatPages(rvdoAll);

>>  // Updating user interface for preview:

>>  // Preview will show full page:

>>  RVPrintPreview1.ZoomMode := rvzmFullPage;

>>  // Preview will show 1st page:

>>  RVPrintPreview1.First;

>>  Screen.Cursor := crDefault;



>>Has anyone had this problem and solved it ?


>>Thanks for all suggestions







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