Re: Printing/Preview question |
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William Whitaker |
Posted: 01/08/2003 5:03:19 The records do exist in the table. I can view them just fine in a dbrichview field. However, I am not able to print/preview. Here's the code that I use to preview/print: procedure TfmRepCrit.UpdatePreview; procedure SearchAndInsertIcon(const Code: String; ImageIndex: Integer); begin rve1.SetSelectionBounds(0, rve1.GetOffsBeforeItem(0), 0, rve1.GetOffsBeforeItem(0)); while rve1.SearchText(Code, [rvseoDown]) do case ImageIndex of 0: case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).qryAD.fieldbyname('AD').asstring); 1: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('AD').asstring); 2: rve1.InsertText(fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('AD').asstring); end; 1: case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).qryAD.fieldbyname('Rev').asstring); 1: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('Rev').asstring); 2: rve1.InsertText(fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('Rev').asstring); end; // 0: rve1.InsertText(src.fieldbyname('Rev').asstring); 2: case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).qryAD.fieldbyname('Description').asstring); 1: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('Description').asstring); 2: rve1.InsertText(fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('Description').asstring); end; // 0: rve1.InsertText(src.fieldbyname('Description').asstring); 3: case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText(FormatDateTime('dd MMM yyyy',(fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).qryAD.fieldbyname('EffDate').asdatetime)); 1: rve1.InsertText(FormatDateTime('dd MMM yyyy',(fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('EffDate').asdatetime)); 2: rve1.InsertText(FormatDateTime('dd MMM yyyy',fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('EffDate').asdatetime)); end; // 3: rve1.InsertText(FormatDateTime('dd MMM yyyy',src.fieldbyname('EffDate').asdatetime)); 4: case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).qryAD.fieldbyname('Supercedes').asstring); 1: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('Supercedes').asstring); 2: rve1.InsertText(fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('Supercedes').asstring); end; // 4: rve1.InsertText(src.fieldbyname('Supercedes').asstring); 5: If pAE = 'X' then case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).qryAD.fieldbyname('SeriesDesc').asstring); 1: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('SeriesDesc').asstring); 2: rve1.InsertText(fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('SeriesDesc').asstring); end // rve1.InsertText(src.fieldbyname('SeriesDesc').asstring) else rve1.InsertText(''); 6: if cbIncludeNotes.checked then case pID of 0: rve1.InsertText((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).dbNotes.fieldbyname('Notes').asstring); 1: rve1.InsertText(''); 2: rve1.InsertText(fmRepCrit2A.dbNotes.FieldByName('Notes').asstring); end // rve1.InsertText(src.fieldbyname('Notes').asstring) else rve1.InsertText(''); 7: if pID <> 1 then case pAE[1] of // series caption 'A','R' : rve1.InsertText(''); 'P','E' : rve1.InsertText(''); 'X' : rve1.InsertText('Manufacturer:'); end else rve1.InsertText(''); 9: if pGrp <> 1 then rve1.InsertText(''); 10: case pAE[1] of 'A','R' : rve1.InsertText(pMfgName); 'P','E' : rve1.InsertText(pMfgName); 'X' : rve1.InsertText(pMfgName); end; end; end; begin rve1.LoadRVF(g_dataQADdir+'ADTemplate.rvf'); rve1.RVFParaStylesReadMode := rvf_sIgnore; rve1.RVFTextStylesReadMode := rvf_sIgnore; ReplaceFields(rve1.RVData); rve1.Format; LockWindowUpdate(rve1.Handle); try SearchAndInsertIcon('#AD#', 0); SearchAndInsertIcon('#ACTYPE#', 10); SearchAndInsertIcon('#REV#', 1); SearchAndInsertIcon('#DESCRIPTION#', 2); SearchAndInsertIcon('#EFFDATE#', 3); SearchAndInsertIcon('#SUPERCEDES#', 4); SearchAndInsertIcon('#SERIES#', 5); SearchAndInsertIcon('#LBLSERIES#', 7); SearchAndInsertIcon('#NOTES#', 6); finally LockWindowUpdate(0); end; end; procedure TfmRepCrit.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin InUse := False; end; procedure TfmRepCrit.ReplaceFields(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData); var i,j: Integer; Stream: TMemoryStream; Dummy1: TColor; Dummy2, Dummy3: Pointer; ParaNo: Integer; BR, ContinuePara: Boolean; table: TRVTableItemInfo; r,c: Integer; begin Dummy1 := clNone; Dummy2 := nil; Dummy3 := nil; for i := RVData.Items.Count-1 downto 0 do case RVData.GetItemStyle(i) of 1: // the first text style is used for fields begin // storing parameters of deleted items ParaNo := RVData.GetItemPara(i); BR := RVData.GetItem(i).BR; ContinuePara := RVData.GetItem(i).SameAsPrev; // loading field value in the stream Stream := LoadData(RVData.Items[i]); if Stream<>nil then begin // deleting the field code RVData.DeleteItems(i,1); // in older versions, it was called DeleteLines // inserting the field value RVData.InsertRVFFromStream(Stream, i, Dummy1, Dummy2, Dummy3, False); // applying stored parameters to the inserted items for j := i to RVData.Items.Count-1 do begin if (i=j) then begin RVData.GetItem(j).SameAsPrev := ContinuePara; if BR then RVData.GetItem(j).BR := True; end; if (j>i) and RVData.IsParaStart(j) then break; RVData.GetItem(j).ParaNo := ParaNo; end; Stream.Free; end; end; rvsTable: begin // recursive call for table cells table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(i)); for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-1 do for c := 0 to table.Rows[r].Count-1 do if table.Cells[r,c]<>nil then ReplaceFields(table.Cells[r,c]); end; end; RVData.Normalize; end; // Loading field code function TfmRepCrit.LoadData(const Code: String): TMemoryStream; begin Result := nil; // if not fmAD.qryAD.Locate('AD', Code, []) then // exit; Result := TMemoryStream.Create; case pID of 0: TBlobField((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmAD).dbAD.FieldByName('ADPicture')).SaveToStream(Result); //fmAD.dbAD.FieldByName('ADPicture')).SaveToStream(Result); 1: TBlobField((fmMain.ActiveMDIChild as TfmTextSearch).RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('ADPicture')).SaveToStream(Result); //fmTextSearch.RTFMatchTable.FieldByName('ADPicture')).SaveToStream(Result); 2: TBlobField(fmRepCrit2A.qryAD.FieldByName('ADPicture')).SaveToStream(Result); end; Result.Position := 0; RichView2.Clear; RichView2.InsertRVFFromStream(Result, 0); // inserting will merge styles; // RichView1 and RichView2 have the same collections of styles Result.Clear; RichView2.SaveRVFToStream(Result, False); Result.Position := 0; end; procedure TfmRepCrit.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not PreviewCreated then begin PreviewCreated := True; RVPrint1.AssignSource(rve1); RVPrint1.FormatPages(rvdoAll); end; // do not print empty document! if rve1.ItemCount=0 then exit; PrintDialog1.MinPage := 1; PrintDialog1.MaxPage := RVPrint1.PagesCount; PrintDialog1.FromPage := 1; PrintDialog1.ToPage := RVPrint1.PagesCount; // we can pring whole document or specified pages: if PrintDialog1.Execute then begin // it's possible that current printer was changed. // so we need to reformat document and update preview: RVPrint1.AssignSource(rve1); RVPrint1.FormatPages(rvdoAll); case PrintDialog1.PrintRange of prAllPages: RVPrint1.Print( 'Test', PrintDialog1.Copies, PrintDialog1.Collate); prPageNums: RVPrint1.PrintPages(PrintDialog1.FromPage, PrintDialog1.ToPage, 'Test', PrintDialog1.Copies, PrintDialog1.Collate); end; end; end; "Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote: >Probably, these records were not written in the database. >How do you write them? >Please looks at the Example 1 in the help topic about TDBRichViewEdit > >> I am unable to preview/print specifc records in my database table. Viewing >> the information is no problem. However, the records that don't show in the >> preview/printout are ones which I transferred >> from a memo field to the blob field which was added to the table to handle >> the RVF format. Other records which were later added are OK - these >records >> were imported using RVFImporter or simply copied and pasted into a >> DBRichEdit field. So the problem is those records which were simply >> transferred from memo to blob. I tested one of those records by cutting >and >> then repasting back into the record via DBRichEdit and it then shows up on >> the preview/printout after that. Is there an easy way to determine whether >a >> record contains a "problematic" blob field, one that won't be printing >> properly, and to convert it to RVF format so it will show up in the >> printouts. >> >> William Whitaker >> >> >> >> > > |
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