Re: print a marked text

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/16/2005 14:57:18

Sorry, I do not know a reliable method for getting image of any Delphi

components (it's required for printing).

By default, TRichView successfully prints buttons, edits, memos and all

controls that can draw itself using the PaintTo method (PaintTo is a method

of TWinControl and its descendants and thus cannot be applied to

non-windowed controls like TLabel or TImage)

For all other controls, you need to draw their images yourself in

OnPrintComponent events. Sorry, there is no other way. A count of components

is not important, but you need to write code for each component type.

I do not know about QR component (and I even do not know how QuickReport and

TRichView can work together), probably they have methods allowing to draw

them on the specified Canvas.


> Hello Sergey,


> thank you for your answer.


> But your code is too complex for ca. 50 TQRLabels, 20 TQRShapes (rectangle

> and/or horzline), 1 image etc.


> Is there any chance to use QuickReport and (only) your memo (I want to


> a justified text and a table) ?


> J�rgen

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