Re: Populating TextStyles when loading RTF file

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 04/05/2005 19:20:35

Just set rv.RTFReadProperties.TextStyleMode =

rv.RTFReadProperties.ParaStylesMode = rvrsAddIfNeeded

(or, better, right click rv in Delphi, choose "Settings" in the context

menu, select "Allow adding styles dynamically")

For DBRichViewEdit, you can simply link it with database containing RTF


It can autodetect RVF/RTF/text field when reading. As for writing, it

depends on its FieldFormat property.

(for DBRichViewEdit, set its property AutoDeleteUnusedStyles = True)

> Hello.

> I'm testing TRichView to replace TRichEdit in our ERP.

> When loading (with LoadRTF ?) an RTF file, I want to create automaticaly

> all the TextStyles needed regarding the content of the RTF file.

> How to do that ?


> If this approch is bad (I don't know :-), how can I migrate all my RTF

> files and my BlobField contents to RVF format without loss of formating ?


> Thanks.

> Marc

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