Re: page setup and actions

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 12/03/2004 15:02:09

1) Actually, all properties of TRVAControlPanel are stored in global


That means: it does not make sense to have several RVAControlPanels - when

you change a property in one of them, this property will be changed to the

same value in all others. So it's better to have one central

TRVAControlPanel, like one central ActionList.

As for RVPrints, it depends on what you need. If you want to make margin

settings global for your application, use one central RVPrint (limitation:

TRVPrint cannot be placed in datamodule, so place it on the main form).

Otherwise, create one RVPrint for each editor, and assign them to the

central RVAControlPanel.RVPrint when the specified editor becomes active.

Other page setup settings are stored in global variables RVA_HeaderInfo

(header), RVA_FooterInfo (footer), Printer (page size, source, orientation).

2) MarginsUnits is a property of TrvActionPageSetup.

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