Re: Method for enumerating all items

Return to index



Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 08/11/2004 18:05:19

Create a form method with the following parameters:

TRVEnumItemsProc = procedure (RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;

    var UserData1: Integer; const UserData2: String;

    var ContinueEnum: Boolean) of object;

Then call

rv.RVData.EnumItems(<your method>, UserData1, UserData2);

Your method will be called for each item (RVData, ItemNo)

UserData1, UserData2 - any values, will be passed in your method.

You can stop enumeration by assigning ContinueEnum = False.

> Hi Sergey,


> On June 10, you posted this:


>  >PS: new version will have a method for items enumeration.


>  >But this method will enumerate all items starting from the very first


>  >and editing to the very last one (or until your enumeration procedure

>  >returns False)...


>  >I hope I'll upload update tomorrow.


> Has this method been added? I can't find any more references to it. It

> would be really handy.


> Cheers,

> Martin

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