Re: Live Spell Check problem

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/28/2005 17:54:08

Ignoring the specific occurence of misspelled word in not implemented in


You can ignore either all occurences of this word, or mark all of them as


See my answer in "Ignore and Add" thread for details.

> In MS Word:

> if I typed "asdf asdf asdf" then right click to ignore the first asdf. The

> second and third asdf will be line with red zig-zag line. Then keep typing

> asdf, all the following asdf will be underline but the first which was

> ignored will not. How can I do this?


>   if soLiveSpelling in rvasSpellCheck.Configuration.SpellOptions then

>     Misspelled := not rvasSpellCheck.WordAcceptable(AWord);


> I did this at the OnSpellingCheck event.




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