Re: ListStyle problem with FormatString

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Gabriel Padilla

Posted: 07/17/2003 5:16:23

I found a quick fix.  After setting the FormatString

you need to call SetListMarkerInfo to force the

reformatting of the List Level.

  rve.Style.listStyles[0].Levels[0].FormatString := s;

  rve.SetListMarkerInfo(0, 0, 0, 2, 1, false);


Gabriel padilla

"Gabriel Padilla" <[email protected]> wrote:


>I want to be able to change the FormatString of ListLevel[0] during runtime,

>but the following does not seem to work. 



>  var s : string;


>  s := rve.Style.listStyles[0].Levels[0].FormatString;

>  s := s + ' aa';

>  rve.Style.listStyles[0].Levels[0].FormatString := s;

>  rve.Format;


>The ListType is set to rvlstDecimal and ImageList is blank.


>Even when I save the rve to a stream and reload it to force the regeneration

>of the ListStyle level does not work.


>Changing the other properties of the TRVListLevel does work like changing

>the Font.Name or the FirstIndent.


>Your help is greatly appreciated.


>Gabriel Padilla



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