Lists and space between lines.

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Aldo Armiento

Posted: 05/22/2002 13:41:50

Hi all, hi Sergey.

This is my problem. I have a Para Style called "Paragraph style" with this

settings: SpaceAfter=10; SpaceBefore=10;

When I insert a list in a document, between lines of list, I want SpaceAfter=0;

SpaceBefore=0; This is not possible (I think) with Lists Styles settings,

so I created a new Para Style called "List Style" with SpaceAfter=0 and SpaceBefor=0.

When the user start the list I do this:

  Editor.ApplyListStyle(0, 0, 0, false, false);

  Editor.ApplyParaStyle(1); // Apply "List Style"

But, when the user STOP del list (with, for example, backspace key), I need

to apply the ParaStyle 0 ("Paragraph Style", with 10, 10 space after and


How can I "intercept" (with an Event for example) when the list is stopped?



P.S. As you can see, lists are very important to me :-)

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