Re: List index out of bounds (0).

Return to index




Posted: 05/29/2003 18:57:14

Then I have no idea what it could be, but to solve the problem it might

be important to know what code in your project was executed before the

message occurred.

If you haven't set

RVEdit.RTFReadProperties.TextStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;


RVEdit.RTFReadProperties.ParaStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;

maybe you could try if it helps.


laura cordova wrote:

> I have assigned the style, to the moment of the error sends me to the form

> of RVEdit, in the following code



> procedure TCustomRichViewEdit.ApplyStyleConversion(UserData: Integer);

> begin


>   if (InplaceEditor<>nil) and (InplaceEditor is TCustomRichViewEdit) then

> begin

>     TCustomRichViewEdit(InplaceEditor).ApplyStyleConversion(UserData);

>     exit;

>   end;

>   {$ENDIF}

>   if Assigned(FOnStyleConversion) and BeforeChange(False) then begin

>     FCurStyleConversion := FOnStyleConversion;

>     TRVEditRVData(RVData).ApplyStyleConversion_(UserData);

>   end;

> end;


> Yoerdes <[email protected]> wrote:


>>Do you have a style assigned to the RichViewEdit?

>>I got these messages when I forgot to assign one.




>>Laura Cordova wrote:


>>>I have a problem. When I try to write in the TRchviewEdit, it presents


> me


>>>the following message List index out of bounds (0). and one doesn't eat


> to


>>>fix it.



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