Re: Languages and RichViewAction

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 09/23/2004 13:01:55

Look in Unit3.pas, TForm3.Localize:

// In your application, you can use either TrvActionFonts or TrvActionFontEx

  rvActionsResource.rvActionFonts1.Caption :=

rvActionsResource.rvActionFonts1.Caption+' (Standard)';

  rvActionsResource.rvActionFontEx1.Caption :=

rvActionsResource.rvActionFontEx1.Caption+' (Advanced)';

These strings are not translated because it's assumed that in real

applications you'll use either TrvActionFonts or rvActionFontEx

(recommended), without modifying their names.

"Pagination" group box contains checkboxes "Keep lines together" and "Keep

with next".

It's on the last page of the paragraph dialog.

You can give any appropriate local name to this group box - it's not

necessary to translate it literally.

Please consider sharing your translation with others - send it to me to

[email protected].

It will be easier for your to maintain it - when in future new strings will

be added, I'll add them in your translation (in English), mark them with

special comments and send to you with instructions about updating.


> I've translated it to Simplified Chinese, and I found one problem:

> "advanced" following the "font" in main menu and popup menu can't be

translated,can Sergey check it?

> another question: I'm not sure the meaning of "pagination" groupbox, can

anyone explain it?


> If anyone need the Simplified Chinese version pascal file ,please mailto

me: [email protected]

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