Re: Indenting bulleted paragraph

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/07/2004 16:18:20

Bulleted paragraphs ignore LeftIndent and FirstIndent of the paragraph

style, they use properties of the corresponding list level.

In RichViewActions, buttons for changing indents not only call

ApplyParaStyleConversion but also call

rve.ChangeListLevels(+1); // increasing list levels


rve.ChangeListLevels(-1); // decreasing list levels

These commands not actually change indents but promote/demote levels of



> Hi,


> I wrote a rtf editor which has the Bullets button and indent button. The

> OnClick event handler for these two buttons are as following:


> procedure TframeEditor.btnBulletsClick(Sender: TObject);

> begin

>   if not btnBullets.Down then

>     rve.RemoveLists(False)

>   else

>     rve.ApplyListStyle(CreateBullets,0,0,False,False);

> end;


> procedure TframeEditor.btnIdentIncClick(Sender: TObject);

> begin

>   rve.ApplyParaStyleConversion(PARA_INDENTINC);

> end;


> They works fine seperately. The problem is I can not indent the bulleted

> paragraph (nothing happened when I click Indent button) or add bullet to

> the indented paragraph (the paragraph with bullets moved to the left).


> Could you please help me fix this problem?


> Thanks


> norma


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