Re: How to get text style no

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 04/10/2004 15:02:32

Here is an example code. It switches the current text style to non-hypertext

when user presses space character.

You need to write function GetNonHypertextStyleNo returning non-hypertext

style for the given hypertext style.

procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);

var rve: TCustomRichViewEdit;


  if (Key=' ') and

   (RichViewEdit1.CurTextStyleNo=RichViewEdit1.CurItemStyle) and

   RichViewEdit1.Style.TextStyles[RichViewEdit1.CurTextStyleNo].Jump and

   not RichViewEdit1.SelectionExists then begin

    rve := RichViewEdit1.TopLevelEditor;

    if rve.OffsetInCurItem>=rve.GetOffsAfterItem(rve.CurItemNo) then

      rve.CurTextStyleNo := GetNonHypertextStyleNo(rve.CurTextStyleNo);



> Upon the solution provided on solving the hyperlink problem:


>      To assign a lower priority to hyperlink styles. When the caret is at

> the

>     border between hyperlink and normal text, normal text becomes current.

> Like

>     in MS Word. It will make impossible to add a text to the end of

> hyperlink by

>     typing


> how can I know the caret is in between the hyperlink and normal text?



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