Re: How avoid the automatic resize of a cell ?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 10/30/2003 21:40:36


I tried this code and it works for me (only flickers a bit). In my test, the

last typed character was deleted.

rve.TopLevelEditor.Undo and rve.Undo do the same in this case.


> Hello Sergey:


> I follow your instructions and I write this:


>   if rve.TopLevelEditor <> rve then begin

>      if rve.TopLevelEditor.Height > MaxCellHeight then begin

>         ShowMessage(inttostr(rve.TopLevelEditor.DocumentHeight));

>         beep;

>         rve.Undo;

>        // rve.TopLevelEditor.Undo;

>        // Abort;

>      end;

>   end;


> But it does not work well, the publisher shoots the event OnChange, but it

> does not eliminate the last characters typing by the user, and the cell


> I try to make the rve.undo and also

> rve.TopLevelEditor.Undo.


> Can you helpme ?

> Thanks

> Fernando Alonso

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