Re: Finding a Table

Return to index




Posted: 10/26/2003 1:09:06

Thanks Sergey...

The following line of code does not return all cell data if it contains any

[returns], only the first line. Is it possible to get all the data in the



"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:

>function FindTable(rv: TCustomRichView; TableNo: Integer): TRVTableItemInfo;

>var i: Integer;


>  for i := 0 to rv.ItemCount-1 do

>    if rv.GetItemStyle(i)=rvsTable then begin

>      if TableNo=0 then begin

>        Result := TRVTableItemInfo(rv.GetItem(i));

>        exit;

>      end;

>      dec(TableNo);

>    end;

>  Result := nil;



>This functions searches the TableNo-th table in rv (table numbering starts

>from 0)


>If you have questions on #2 and #3, feel free to ask.




>> After loading a RVF from a DB I need to...

>> 1. locate a specific table in the document (i.e. the fifth table)  a table

>> "identifier" could be saved in my db if that makes this easier.

>> 2. Determining it's column headings & left row names

>> 3. Populate the table based on db data


>> Any help would be appreciated, mainly with #1. I think i can find the


>> answers in this news group


>> Thanks



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