Re: Euro is not converted into HTML 4.01 standard

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 09/24/2004 21:39:44

Do you pages have specified language in meta tags?

May be these characters were not present in that language. Or may be this

blog engine does not work correctly with languages or assumes some language

in that HTMLs...

To my understanding, these named or unnamed encodings ("character entities")

are needed in two cases:

- to include characters that not present in the HTML language (by the way,

in the next update it will be possible to save HTMLs with UTF-8 encoding

which includes all characters possible in HTML)

- it's simpler to type ° than insert � from keyboard

But generally character entities does nothing but increase HTML file size.

Moreover, old browsers do not understand all of them.

> > Are pages displayed better by browsers after this processing?


> For me it wasn't a display issue. The special characters were causing

> problems when the blog server parsed the XML used to post.


> These are the steps I was going through:

> 1. Export TRVE to HTML

> 2. Bundle HTML output in XML (as per the blog's API)

> 3. Post XML to blog


> The special characters would cause a scripting error on the post. By


> the step to replace the special characters with their HTML encoding, I

> solved the problem.


> Just to mention it: I only did substitution for the characters that had

> "named" encodings (like � and °), and the curly quotes. If I run into


> need to do the others, I'll add them.


> -David



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