Re: Don't find Classe TRVEdit "error (new)

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/15/2005 19:36:21

Both exe and dll have forms with TRichViewEdit?

Do you pass references to TRichViewEdit from dll to exe or vice versa? If

yes, please note that the exe does not treat dll's TRichViewEdit as the same

class as its own TRichViewEdit, and vice versa.

The same is for all Delphi classes.


> Hello,

> I have create a form with a Richview an it woks fine, I have add another

> project in my application(this is the exe file and the other is a dll),


> when I add a Richview component and run the application I have this error

> message.I have looked in the options, directories path and includes it is

> ok, like the other application .

> I don't understand where I must look to find what I have done wrong.

> If you have any idea please help me

> Patrick

> Thank you very much

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