Re: Does direction of selection in tables has an importance ?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 08/23/2003 15:25:02

> Hi,

> A few things I have discovered :

> 1) When I select some cells from left to right I can't delete cells


> using the Del key, but if I select the same cells from right to left I can

> use the Del key. Funny ?

Direction is not important, but it's important where you start selection.

If you start selection in one cell and finish in another cell, this is a

multicell selection (even if all cells in the table are selected).

When you press DELETE, cells are cleared.

If you start selection to the right/left of the table and finish to the

left/right of it, the whole table will be selected.

When you press DELETE, table will be deleted.

If something goes wrong, please explain how to reproduce (step by step).

> 2) The OnkeyPress event is not called when user press the Del key with


> cells selected.

DELETE does not generate OnKeyPress. But it generates OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp

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