Re: Create a RichViewEdit In memory?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 07/10/2004 11:44:48

Yes, you can create RichViewEdit at run time.

There are 3 important issues:

1) Even if you want invisible TRichView, it must have assigned Parent

(parent is necessary for some operations)

2) When you create RichView at run time, initial values of properties are

not the same as if you place it first time on the form from the Delphi

component palette.

When you create it from the Component palette, some properties are set to

values defined in the component editor (right click RichView in Delphi,

choose "Settings" in the context menu to view/change these values).

3) Do not forget to create and assign TRVStyle component as well

var rv: TRichViewEdit;

      rvs: TRVStyle;

rv := TRichViewEdit.Create(Form1);

rv.Parent := Form1;

rv.SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);

rvs := TRVStyle.Create(Form1);

rv.Style := rvs;

// some property settings

rv.RVFOptions := rv.RVFOptions+[rvfoSaveTextStyles,rvfoSaveParaStyles];

rv.Options := rv.Options + [rvoTagsArePChars];

rv.RTFReadProperties.TextStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;

rv.RTFReadProperties.ParaStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;

It's not necessary to free rv and rvs explicitly - they will be freed

together with Form1.


> Create a RichViewEdit In memory?

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