Re: Colordialog in RichViewActions

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 09/13/2004 20:34:01

Special package? No. TColorDialog is a standard Delphi component, you do not

need any additional package to use it.

All will work even if this property is not set. RichViewActions will create

and use a temporal color dialog.

But it makes sense to assign one TColorDialog component to ColorDialog

dialog properties of all RVColorCombos and actions which have this property.

TColorDialog has CustomColors property. It may be convenient for user to

share custom colors in dialogs called from different places.


> When I use the RVColorCombo there is an options to fill in the


> in the Object Inspector. How does this work? Do I need to create a special

> package to use this??


> Thanks.


> Pieter E.

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