Re: changing size in response to onChange

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Daniel Zimmerman

Posted: 07/12/2004 17:35:03

Thanks.  It's working now.  I think what was happening before was that

the code that was being triggered through the autogrow method led to the

richview component become briefly invisible, and then visible again.

I've rerouted that code and it's working properly now.

"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote in

news:[email protected]:

> Do not call BeginUpdate and EndUpdate.

> You can change height, but cannot change width.


> I tried the following code, it seems that it works with tables

> (RichViewEdit1 is inserted in Form1, its Align=alClient.


> // OnChange and OnResize

> procedure TForm1.RichViewEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);

> begin

>   Form1.CLientHeight := RichViewEdit1.DocumentHeight+bw;

> end;


> procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

> begin

>   bw := (RichViewEdit1.Height-RichViewEdit1.ClientHeight);

> end;


> procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);

> begin

>   RichViewEdit1.VSmallStep := 1;

>   RichViewEdit1.Format;

> end;



>> In my application, i need to periodically change the size of the

>> RVEditor.  I'm trying to get the effect like text boxes in

>> Powerpoint, which grow automatically when the user enters text that

>> is bigger than their boundaries.

>> This works well when there are no tables, but as soon as there are

>> tables involved, i start getting access violations.


>> This is the code in the onChange of the RVEdit


>>       inherited;

>>       tsEditor.beginUpdate;

>>       if tsEditor.DocumentHeight > tsEditor.Height then

>>          autoGrow;

>>       tsEditor.EndUpdate;


>> autoGrow is a method i wrote which calculates the new height, and

>> changes the height of the form who is the parent of the RVEdit.


>> My guess is that when i'm changing the size, i may be triggering

>> somethign that destroys the top-level editor in the table, and then

>> other parts of the code are expecting it to still be there.


>> Is there a way to do what i need to do that won't trigger any

>> problems?


>> Daniel



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