Re: Can't show gif image in a rtf file

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Norma Zhao

Posted: 03/01/2004 2:32:40

"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:

>> Hi,


>> I am writing a application to allow user create a template document and


>> generate the document on fly using the data and images stored in database.

>> I have two questions:


>> 1) when user insert a image into the template using RVEditor, can I add


>> Identifier (eg \ImgIDxxxx ) into the rtf file so that I can replcae the


>> later?


>You can only change saving images in RTF completely in OnSaveItemToFile.

>Check if the saved item is a graphic item, and SaveFormat=rvsfRTF, and

>return a code to save in OutStr.



>you can use

>procedure RVSaveImageToRTF(Stream: TStream; TwipsPerPixel: Double;

>  Image: TGraphic; ImageWidth, ImageHeight: Integer; Options:


>defined in RVItem.pas to save image RTF code in Stream.

>TwipsPerPixel parameter can be get as

> function GetTwipsPerPixel: Double;

>  var DC: HDC;

>  begin

>    DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);

>    if RichViewPixelsPerInch>0 then

>      Result := (72*20) / RichViewPixelsPerInch

>    else

>      Result := (72*20) / GetDeviceCaps(DC, LOGPIXELSY);

>    DeleteDC(DC);

>  end;



Thanks Sergey.

Now I can add the identifier into the rtf file. The rtf looks like:  ...

\ImageIdXXX {\pict...}...

But after resizing the dummy image (I will use the dummy image size to control

the replacement image size) the inserted identifier ('\ImageIdXXX') disappeared.

How can I avoid this happen?


>> 2) When I replace the image with a gif image, I add

>> {\pict\pngblip

>> 47494638376194023603F00000000000FFFFFF2C000000.....} into the rtf file.


>> can display this rtf with gif image showing OK. But when I load this rtf

>> into the Demo ActionTest.exe, the gif images were missing. JPEG image


>> OK. I am using Delphi5. I can insert and display a gif image using



>As you can see from the name of keyword, gif image is saved as PNG inside


>(MS Word saves such images both as PNG and as Metafile, so TRichView reads

>and inserts metafile image).

>Unfortunately, Delphi does not have standard implementation of PNG images.

>But if you will use a third party PNG class, you can read it from RTF.


>The example was posted in several months ago


>only corrected the declaration of RichViewEdit1CustomImageItem because a


>parameter was added to the event)




>RTF files can contain graphics in the following format: bitmap, metafile,

>jpeg, png.

>Import/export of all these formats except for png are supported by TRichView


>But PNG is not, because Delphi does not offer standard implementation of


>But with help of events you can save and load PNG images in RTF.


>Why PNG? PNG offers a good compression. While True-Color bitmaps can be

>really huge (especially considering the fact that image size in RTF is twice

>larger than in a graphic file), PNG can be by hundreds times smaller.


>PNG images are supported by Word97 and newer. When Word saves a PNG image,

>at also saves a metafile duplicate allowing less advanced applications to

>read this image.

>The example below does not save a duplicate, because the main reason why


>may wish to use PNG is to make more compact RTF code.


>This example uses a free PNG class by Gustavo Huffenbacher Daud:



>uses RVRTF, RVRTFProps, RVItem, CRVData, RVFMisc;


>1) Reading PNG. Can be useful even if you do not want to export images in

>RTF as PNGs


>Create a form's procedure:


>procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1CustomImageItem(RVData: TCustomRVData;

>  Graphic: TGraphic; Hypertext: Boolean; var item: TCustomRVItemInfo;

>  var FreeGraphic: Boolean; RTFPicture: TRVRTFPicture;

>  var  Name: String);

>var png: TPngObject;


>  if RTFPicture.PicType=rtf_pict_PNG then begin

>    png := TPngObject.Create;

>    try

>      png.LoadFromStream(RTFPicture.FData);

>      Graphic := png;

>      FreeGraphic := True;

>    except

>      png.Free;

>    end;

>  end;

>  if Graphic=nil then

>    exit;

>  if Hypertext then

>    item := TRVHotGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData, Graphic, rvvaBaseline)

>  else

>    item := TRVGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData, Graphic,  rvvaBaseline);



>In Form's OnCreate, assign it to



>RichViewEdit1.RTFReadProperties.OnCustomImageItem :=



>2) Writing PNG. This code will save all bitmaps and PNG in document in RTF

>as PNG.


>Event RichViewEdit1S.OnSaveItemToFile


>procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1SaveItemToFile(Sender: TCustomRichView;

>  const Path: String; RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;

>  SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; Unicode: Boolean; var OutStr: String;

>  var DoDefault: Boolean);

>var Stream: TMemoryStream;

>    gr: TGraphic;

>    png: TPngObject;

>    item : TRVGraphicItemInfo;


>  if (SaveFormat<>rvsfRTF) then

>    exit;

>  if (RVData.GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<>rvsPicture) and

>     (RVData.GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<>rvsHotPicture) then

>    exit;

>  item := TRVGraphicItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(ItemNo));

>  gr := item.Image;

>  if not (gr is TBitmap) and not (gr is TPngObject) then

>    exit;

>  if (gr.Width=0) or (gr.Height=0) then

>    exit;

>  if gr is TBitmap then begin

>    png := TPNGObject.Create;

>    png.Assign(gr);

>    end

>  else

>    png := TPNGObject(gr);

>  try

>    Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;

>    try

>      png.SaveToStream(Stream);

>      OutStr := Format('{\pict\pngblip\picw%d\pich%d',


>      if item.ImageWidth>0 then

>        OutStr := Format('%s\picscalex%d', [OutStr,


>      if item.ImageHeight>0 then

>        OutStr := Format('%s\picscaley%d', [OutStr,


>      OutStr := OutStr+' '+RVFSavePicture(png)+'}';

>      DoDefault := False;

>    finally

>      Stream.Free;

>    end;

>  finally

>    if png<>gr then

>      png.Free;

>  end;





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