Blob Field in TDBRichViewEdit |
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Diogo |
Posted: 04/13/2005 17:50:27 Hi On this example: I'm using TDBRichViewEdit The datafield is a BLOB FIELD in my database. I inserted a Blob field in the TDBRichViewEdit. rve.CurTextStyleNo := GetFieldStyleNo; rve.InsertStringTag('{blobtext}', Integer(StrNew('blobtext'))); rve.SetFocus; in the MailMerge, when i call then Fillfields the BlobField returns: (my blob field is editing with trichedit) {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 CroissantD;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1046\f0\fs20 Este paciente possui alergias das mais diversas \par \ul\b\i Este paciente possui alergias das mais diversas \par \ulnone\b0\i0 Este paciente possui alergias das mais diversas \par \cf1 Este paciente possui alergias das mais diversas\cf0 \par \f1\fs30 Este paciente possui alergias das mais diversas\fs20 \par \f0 \par \par } problem: because it did not bring the formatted text? How I make to replace a Blob field in the TDBRichViewEdit? (the blob field it was edited using Trichedit) please, help this is very necessary |
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